William ( Willy) Russell Lafritz - オンライン・メモリアル・ウェブサイト

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William ( Willy) Lafritz
23 years
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Jamie just wanted to stop and say helli November 28, 2014
Today is November 28th 2014... and I was just sitting here on your dad's web page that he had created for memories of you. And there's so many memories I have from being with you that it's to many to talk about in each one post!! I know your in heaven and that no matter How mad you are or were at me that you would and will not ever let anything happen to me ever!! Lime I said before I am forever greatful to you and you know Why as well as your parents it's not business to be put on here... but I thank the good lord everyday for making you a angel that I used to worship and would do anything in my power for!! Your a wonderful man and I could and can't ever say that enough!! Thanksgiving was yesterday and when I thought about all of the people who have cone and gone you were the first on my list and the one who stayed there all day!! I wish with all of my heart that wrong could of made things right between us or at least gotten back on speaking terms but I have excepted that for what it was and the circumstances... you will always no matter what hold a special place in my heart and you will always remain in my heart forever!! I would post the junior prom pictures on here just to hate one of the happy times in our lives but I don't know How so maybe dad can do that for me!! Again I will always love you and hold a special place in my heart for you till the day I die!!  Will be back to talk to you again soon!! Your favorite time of the year is coming!!! CHRISTMAS!!  LOL snowmen and snowballs they were our favorite!! Good night talk to you again soon!! 
Maggie Childhood friends February 9, 2014
Doesn't seem that long ago that we were just kids running around playing and bickering back and forth about who made it back to the safe spot first or our "watch this" moments and one of us would be running to a parent or the other trying to fix the cut. I laugh thinking back to those simple times. Our parents were close and we were too back then. Thought of you and your family often over the years. Saddens me that we lost touch but I forever will miss my childhood friend. 
Aunt Mel Good Memories August 20, 2013
I will never forget the day you came home. I was able to skip school and be there! You were so sweet and loving from the start! I can remember when you were little and peed in front of Jolly Farmer, outside on the sidewalk and told ALL who walked by. Many times you embarassed me, Like the time I was going to pinch a guys ass and you told him! Many good memories of you and the love we had as Aunt and Nephew. I know you been gone awhile but it took me this long to be able to write something. I miss you and think of you often! Give Papa Lou a hug for me. See you again some day. With tons of love.

Your Aunt Mel
Ricky Lafritz Chris Lafritz January 6, 2012

This time of year...

by Chris LaFritz on Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 8:59pm

For those of you who I consider close friends (which is pretty much all of you, with a select few being considered like family), it's time for me to open up. So here goes....


Every time I read in the paper or hear on the news about somebody driving a vehicle illegally (improper lighting, not looking both ways more than once before pulling out into traffic, not signaling lane changes, etc) or someone driving drunk, I sit down and think... and here's why....


On December 17, 2007 I lost my cousin William LaFritz, who was more than just a cousin to me, he was like a big brother.... he protected me when we were kids, he stood by me no matter what... I lost him because of a careless driver at night. I love you and miss you Willy. I can't wait until I see you again, buddy.


On August 29, 2010 I lost another cousin, David Amerman to drunk driving... every time I sit down and think about Dave, it brings tears to my eyes... how could someone be as stupid as to drive drunk? How could someone be as stupid as to take two lives over carelessness? I love you, Dave. We'll meet again one of these days.


How could God take two family members from me in motor vehicle accidents? Does God not enjoy seeing myself and my family happy? Does He like to see us suffer?


I hope everyone drives safely this holiday season. I hope nobody drives drunk. I wish everybody the safest and happiest holiday season, because as history has proven, everything can be taken from you in an instant over carelessness. Please don't take your car for granted, please don't take someone else's "driving experience" for granted, because let's face it... nobody's a perfect driver, not even me.


If you don't know what it's like to hurt over such carelessness (not saying any of you don't), trust me.... it's not a fun experience... and I've seen the hurt it's caused my aunt Faith LaFritz and my uncle Ricky LaFritz. I've also seen what it's done to my aunt Marion Schutz.

Mom Christmas December 27, 2011
I loved Christmas with Rick playing Santa Willy knew.it was Rick and never told the children he would get all exicted yelling santas here and all the kids would get all excited with him. He would look at Santa and just beam . As we road around in the auto he would smile and laugh as children would point he would say dad you make a good santa Those are so special moments that will always be charished. At this time of year as we hold you dear remembering all these things helpes make days brighter. Today and always you are loved and missed.
I dont know where to begin but you were one of the greatest men in my life I can say that with a huge smile on my face.  We definatly had our bad time but hey who didnt I know I greatly miss you and when I got told of the horrible news I just couldnt believe it.  I remember when we used to get up out of bed and go deliver newspapers with or for your mom and dad then we took over the route those were some great times in the snow.  We used to have great times at school together too and if it wasnt for your mom and dad I would of never went to school with you. We used to have a wonderful time going to rock n bowl over at the alleys and even when we went with your mom and dad when they bowled in the league. I really miss those days!! If I could rewind time I would do everything all over again just to have you here with all of us but I guess they say everything happpens for a reason and I still dont quite understand that but we will all be with you again someday. I could go on and on talking about all of the great times that we shared like the junior prom then bowling in our tux and prom dress afterwards I wish I still had a picture from that night they were some of the most beautiful pictures!!!  I miss you so ever very much and I will always love you very much and I will never forget you or who you were as a person. One of the best I have ever known you helped me in so many ways you and your parents helped me get my life on the right track and now that your dad has found me I will never loose contact with them again if it kills me and thats one thing I promise to you!!  Well I just wanted to tell you how I feel believe me I could go on forever but I wont right now but I want you to know that I will always love and miss you lots!!  See you someday soon!! And please always look over me and protect me and guide me through life and help me make the right choices.
He Only Takes The Best

God saw they were their happiest and
someone would not let that be.
So He put his arms around them and whispered
..."Come with Me".
With tear filled eyes we watched them,
suffer and fade away. Although we
loved them deeply, We could not
make them stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
hard working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.
William R. LaFritz
hope they are taking good care of you Cuz...
Chris Millard
Hey Willy even though it was years ago that we had last had a laugh or a chat. Kid you will always be missed from me. You were a good kid. I really hope when I come through those pearly gates your there to shake my hand. I have seen pics of your little girl, Wow what a cutie. You will always miss Willy.
Damn cuz I hope up above is treating ya good.  Your daughter is beautiful, getting big. Waiting for weather to get better so I can come up to your site and have a chat with ya. Its been awhile and i really to need to have the chat. Miss ya bro.
Sorry I missed ur B-day kiddo but you know I love ya and miss ya with all my heart if I could bring you back I would .I need ya alot .There isn't a day that I sit and say why but who am I to say all I know is I lost a great son and best freind and will ache in my heart til the day I die .As for whom ever may read this if you have childern love them hug them tell them you love them and when they are lead astry and mix with the wrong kind stay with them don't cast them aside and please keep them from harms way the best you can .YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING you talk and visit today but two seconds later gone killed by some drunk drug user or unexperienced driver .That says nothing no I'm sorry or how can I help so you think what a heartless person couldn't even say I am sorry .Oh well god will make it right for heror him in the end .



Hello I just wanted to share the day with all who love Willy and the time He drove two girls to Ohio and Dad had to go get him. He was so hppy to get rid of them and ya know what they showed up two weeks later looking for him.Love ya son

Willy I remember when we would take Mom to store and the song Top Of The World would play and  I would sing it to you .Well fell from that place on 12/17/2007 but ya know your daughter has me close to there again .We had alot of good times and bad. I try to remember them all like the camper at Danny's we would stay in weekends and sometimes a week at a time.They where the best days .Taught u to hunt fish love hate be happy and sad.Well one time u ask me why dose God take everyone u love before there time well son  I think u know now why I just wish he wouldn't.Well just acouple of good memories to share for now Love ya kid




well as everyone knows I did not want willie when he was first born.Because that meant that I was not going to be the baby anymore.Boy was I right.He got everything and hardly ever got in trouble for anything.Okay so granted for the first few years I was the one to do things then I would blame him for everything.But he was the greatest little brother anyone could have.Even when he took the pogo stick away from me and when I tried to get it back my hand got caught in the springs.Then so I would not be hurt all buy myself he shut his hand in the car door.

Still not sure if that was the reason or if he just was mad that I was getting all of the attention instead of him(ha-ha).But I still missed him at my wedding last year but I know he was with all of us.I miss him everyday and know when we do see each other again first I will give him a hug then hit him for leaving all of us.

Feb. 9th 2009, today Willy would of been 25 yrs old at 10:26 am. He weighed 6lbs. 5oz. and was 19 in long. We waited a long time for him. Our other son was 10 1/2 yr. old. I almost lost him twice during the pregency doctors  said I would more then likely lose him but he made it a mounth early. So cute and so loved, we only had him a short time here on earth, but we know we will see him again someday, He always had a smile that could melt your heart and those eyes, when he looked at you, would make you smile allways willing to help others . Those of you when you see his daguhter Selena, say she has Willy's eyes. Please today and always keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. I know he would like that.  
Some people may not know but Willy loved to sing the gambler, at the bowling alley for Karoke night, he really enjoyed that song, He would sing his heart out, with a big smile on his face. No one had a better smile, and loved life as he did. There are alot of wonderful things about Will that will never be forgoten.
I remember the day you were born as though it was yesterday. When they let me hold you on my way to my room after the c sec. I was so happy I got sick on you and said I'll keep him he is so cute. i wouldn't stop hitting the button till they would bring you to me. You feel asleep on me and when they came to get you I said leave him here. That was one of the happest days of my life when you were born, they said that I wouldn't be able to carry you to term but we both showed them you were ment to be here, you even came a month and a half early. You were always so eager to do things. I'm so blessed to have you for my son some day we will be together again and I will hold you close. Son I love you 
Cousin - Chris LaFritz
I remember back when I was a lot younger and I couldn't stick up for myself, Willy would always stick up for me, and defend me, no matter what, no matter who it was. He would always shove them away from me, and tell me if they had a problem with me, they had a problem with him, and I'll always miss that. I will always miss  you Willy. You'll always be in my heart, and on my mind. I love you bud..... Have fun up there with Grandpa, Darlene and Uncle Ronald. I'll see you again some day bubba.
aunt nancy uncle bob
We remmber when you helped me and uncle bob,move his dads head stone we had a nice time . igave you a box of brownies. made you a real happy guy. we love and miss you nephew
I remember when Willy was about21/2 years old and I was about to change a tire on my jeep and for some odd reason the jack would not work.Now I had just took it out of the box the day or two before so I knew it was good.Well I tried and tried to jack up the jeep and it wouldn't work,so I was really getting upset when Willy came out and said me fix it Daddy me fixed it.I said what did you fix willy and he pointed to the jack so I checked the fluid level and low and behold he fixed it alright he had filled the fluid with sand .It wasn't funny at the time however it was a few days later when he said me help Daddy fix tire.
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